Birds at Ferry Pool, Sidlesham and Church Norton.
Leaders: Phil Darley & Douglas Maughan (HNHS Members)
In mizzle with leaden skies, 11 members proceeded to the bird hide overlooking Ferry Pool. There was a wonderful view of Avocets on the water, then in flight. Lapwing, Shoveler and Wigeon were there too.
In the stream exiting the Pool the group was delighted to see a Red-necked Grebe. A small squadron of Brent Geese flew silently overhead.
Moving to a view-point at the shingle spit alongside Church Norton overlooking Pagham Harbour, in brighter conditions seen were: Pintail, Turnstone, Grey Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, to name just some of the species, and surprising to see a Whimbrel and a Mediterranean Gull. Click for species list