Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages


Haslemere Natural History Society Science Papers
(N.B. Note that the practice of numbering papers ceased after 1934.)

1903 No.1 Swanton, E.W. A preliminary list of Haslemere fungiClick here to view

1903 No.2 Pannell, C. A short account of the land and freshwater mollusca of Haslemere, Surrey. Click here to view

1904 No.3 Fowler, J.B. A local geology for amateurs and beginners. Click here to view

1909 No.4 Jackson, R. A list of the flowering plants and ferns occurring within six miles of Haslemere. Click here to view

1913 No.5 Oldaker, F.A. A list of the lepidoptera occurring within six miles of Haslemere. Click here to view

1914 No.6 Geikie, A. English science and its caricaturists in the 17th and 18th centuries. Click here to view

1920 Oldaker, F.A. A list of the lepidoptera occurring within six miles of Haslemere: Supplement. Click here to view

1921 No.7 Shaw, W.A. A list of the birds of the Haslemere district: approximately within a radius of six miles. Click here to view

1923 No.8 Geikie, A. The Weald. (Reissued in 1946) Click here to view

1924 Jackson, R. A list of the flowering plants and ferns occurring within six miles of Haslemere. (2nd edition, revised and extended.) Click here to view

1926 No.9 Nicholson, E.M. Birds of the Haslemere Educational Museum. Click here to view

1928 No.10 Swanton, E.W. The mammals, fishes, reptiles and amphibians of the Haslemere district: approximately within a six mile radius. Click here to view

1934 No.11 Swanton, E.W. A list of fungi (Basidiomycetes) of the Haslemere district, including the forests of Woolmer, Verdley, Charlton and Singleton. Click here to view

1950 Allen, G.O. British Stoneworts (Charophyta). Click here to view

1951 Oldaker, F.A. Lepidoptera of the Haslemere district. (Revised edition of No. 5 above).Click here to view

1953 Hutchinson, M.M. The bird life of Frensham Great Pond, 1947-1952.

1954 Bensley, C.J.F. Natural history of the Devil’s Punch Bowl.

1955 Bond, P. A revised list of the birds of the Haslemere district.  Click here to view

1955 Morgan, M. The geography of the Haslemere district. (Published in the annual report).Click here to view

1962 Howard, M. A list of flowering plants and ferns of Haslemere and district.Click here to view

1963 Davis, P.G. Bird ringing in the Haslemere district. (Published in the annual report).Click here to view

1968 Barlow, I.H., Bond, P.M., Davis, P.G. and Hutchinson, M.M. A review of the birds of the Haslemere district.Click here to view

1968 Hutchinson, M.M. Some local Galls caused by insects. (Published in the annual report).Click here to view

1978 Ponsonby, L. A list of flowering plants and ferns of Haslemere and district.Click here to view

1980 Kirkpatrick, P.A. and Davis, P.G. The birds of the Haslemere district.  Click here to view

1988 Puttick, J. The Haslemere Natural History Society 1888-1988. The first century: the story of the Society’s existence, work and records.  Click here to view

2020 Struthers, L. The adders of Marley Common. Click here to view

2022 Swan, A.R.H. The flora of the Haslemere district. Click here to view

2024 Darley, P., Greenwood, A., Hibbard, M. and Swan, A. The Butterflies of the Haslemere area. (Available only as printed copy, which can be purchased from Haslemere Educational Museum or at the Society’s meetings).


Most published papers are available as digital copies by clicking the links above. Originals may also be viewed in the library of Haslemere Educational Museum. They are all out-of print, except that printed copies of Ponsonby (1978) may be available on request to Andy Swan (free of charge).

Further Contributions

Please contact one of the Society’s committee members if you may be interested in writing a paper for publication. Such papers could, as has been customary, address a major group of organisms in our area, but more specific subject matter (such as the paper on adders) or perhaps a geographically-themed paper (e.g. on wildlife of a specific wood, common or heath) could be considered.

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