Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages


    The Wealden Heaths Breeding Bird Survey (West Sussex) is in urgent need of a surveyor for 2025.

  • This long running survey monitors a number of breeding species with the emphasis on heathland specialists by the simple method of detecting males holding territory. The core 10 heaths have been surveyed for 27 years and we are now in need of a surveyor for the important site of Lynchmere & Stanley Commons SU8631.  
  • Nightjar, Woodlark, Dartford Warbler, Tree Pipit and Stonechat are the prime targets, this heath has also proved a good site for Redstart.
  • The Survey starts in mid-February, (to find the Woodlarks taking up their territories) and carries on until late June. We try to cover the individual sites entirely on at least four occasions, including the one early year visit, and two visits (more if you have the inclination and the time) about two weeks apart during May when song activity is at its peak. There will be at least one evening visit in May or June to detect Nightjar.
  • The survey is not demanding but the continuous nature of it over more than 27 years has enabled us to providing excellent trends data, assisting with management and other conservation issues.
  • If you are interested or would like any further information please contact Alan Perry on 07796 147234 or email aledgehill@outlook.com

Note. It is very important to have a surveyor in place as our WHBBS survey can assist in the BTO Heathlands Birds Survey being  organised in Sussex by BTO Rep Helen Crabtree for 2025.


Members who are interested in birds may like to know there is a South-west Surrey Bird Group on WhatsApp. It’s a very casual group and anyone is welcome. 


A number of HNHS Science Papers have been produced over the years. Most published papers are available as digital copies. Originals may also be viewed in the library of Haslemere Educational Museum. Click here for details. All are out-of print, except that printed copies of Ponsonby (1978) may be available on request to Andy Swan (free of charge). 


Andy Swan has produced a list of plants now thought to have disappeared from the area. Any new information on these species would be very welcome – please  e-mail us if you can help.

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