Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Forthcoming Indoor Meetings

Winter Talks 

Meetings are held at Haslemere Educational Museum, High Street, Haslemere and with the exception of the AGM, are open to both Museum and Natural History Society members without charge. 
Click here for directions to Haslemere Museum.

Guests are always welcome, and the Society would be grateful for a donation of £5.00 from non-members.

Forthcoming Events

Modern conservation with reference to a national park in Uganda.

Date: 8 March 2025
Time: 14:15

Speaker: Dr. Mark Infield (Conservationist)
Why is modern conservation failing? With 30
years’ connections with a Ugandan national
park Mark will argue that local, cultural and
value-based relationships between people,
place and nature provide a stronger platform
for effective partnerships to deliver the
conservation endeavour.
His recently published book “Beautiful
Beasts, Beautiful Lands” will be on sale at


Date: 12 April 2025
Time: 14:15

After the short business meeting there will be
an illustrated talk.

An update of the Greater Horseshoe Bat
Project: Horseshoes Heading East

Speaker: Martyn Phillis (HNHS member)
Martyn will bring us up to date with progress
at the local Greater Horseshoe Bat roost. He
will also explain how this discovery has
triggered a major conservation project across
the south of England.

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