Burton Mill Pond (Sussex Wildlife Trust)
Leader: Andy Swan, HNHS President
The morning’s walk, passing through many different habitats at Burton Mill Pond and Chingford Pond, revealed some very interesting finds.
In the acidic woodland the Blushing Rosette fungus was adjacent to the uncommon Zoned Rosette (Podoscypha multizonal).
The Sweet Chestnut trees, planted in the 1740s, are remarkable for their height, age and twisted bark.
At the edge of Chingford Pond there was a brief glimpse of a Water Vole and Nodding Bur-marigold with button-like yellow flowers was found.
In the alder carr with a boardwalk leading to the acidic peat bog Back Hole, Alder Leaf Beetles were devouring the leaves leaving them full of holes. A damselfly only resident in the UK for the last few years was identified as a Willow Emerald Damselfly.