Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Butterflies at Oaken Wood near Plaistow (Butterfly Conservation)

Date: 17 July 2021
Field Meeting

Leader: Phil Darley (HNHS Member)
The rare butterfly in the south of England, the Wood White, made its first emergence of the summer brood on the very day of this field meeting.
During the hot, sunny morning many species of butterfly were in high numbers and very active:  Small Heath, Marbled White, Purple Hairstreak, Gatekeeper and Large Skipper were all seen; Silver-washed Fritillary had newly emerged; and numerous Small Skipper, Meadow Brown and Ringlet flew wherever one looked.
For butterflies (and 21 members) it was a perfect morning in a perfect location!

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