Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Butterflies on Magdalen Hill Down, nr. Winchester

Date: 20 July 2024
Time: 11:00
Directions: GR: SU511295 SO21 1HB W3W: crest.among.annotated
Field Meeting

Leader: Margaret Hibbard (HNHS member)

The weather (dull, overcast with a fair breeze) was not conducive to fulfil the aim of finding butterflies. Only six species were seen and these were in low numbers.  The summer of 2024 is reported everywhere as being very poor for butterflies.

However, on this chalk downland (managed by Hampshire and Isle of Wight branch of Butterfly Conservation) the flowers were superb. To name a few: Field Scabious, Wild Marjoram, Meadow Cranesbill, Pyramidal Orchid, Musk Mallow, Viper’s Bugloss, Red Bartsia, Agrimony, Greater Knapweed, Black Horehound and Dark Mullein.

Picnic lunch was had in “the scrape” which resembles a small chalkpit. Here Kidney Vetch, the food plant for the Small Blue Butterfly, was in flower.

A member remarked, “Although we have not seen many butterflies there have been lots of other interesting finds.”  These included: a small white Crab Spider on a Scabious flowerhead, burnet moths, Cinnabar caterpillars on Common Ragwort, a hovering Kestrel, a male Stonechat, a very high flock of Swifts and several Red Kite.

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