Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Early spring heathland birds on Lavington Common (National Trust)

Date: 20 April 2024
Time: 9:00
Directions: GR: SU949186 GU28 0QL South of Petworth on A285 at Heath End, take R turning signed Graffham. After 1 mile look for parking area on R.
Field Meeting

Leader: Alan Perry (HNHS member and Emeritus President of Sussex Ornithological Society)

28 bird species were located by 13 members on this SSSI site (south of Petworth) of 95acres of dry and wet heath, acid grass and woodland. Three notable heathland species were seen: Woodlark frequently singing and tumbling in their display flight, Stonechat males perching on Gorse and Silver Birch and Dartford Warbler, somewhat elusive until one flew over the track.  A Nightingale was positively identified but the song was only in snatches.

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