Fauna and flora on Chapel Common, near Liphook
Leader: Arthur Greenwood (Entomologist)
It was not until late morning, in sunny conditions, that Small Heath and the hoped-for Silver-studded Blue butterflies were seen. Arthur has recorded butterflies there since 2010 and noted that on June 25th 2023 he had counted 240 Silver-studded Blue. This year recently it had been cold and wet so holding back their emergence.
He described the life-history: how it is dependent on two things – black ants of the genus Lasius that take the caterpillars down into their nest where they protect them in return for honey dew, and young growth of Bell Heather on which the caterpillars feed.
There were red swathes of Sheep’s Sorrel, bright yellow patches of Birdsfoot Trefoil and in flower: Heath Bedstraw, Common Storksbill, Fragrant Agrimony, Common Spotted and Heath Orchids and hybrids between the two. A surprise find was the non-native Sulphur Cinquefoil.