Fungus Foray: Waggoners Wells (west end) (National Trust)
Leader: Andy Swan (HNHS Member)
The conditions were near-ideal. Descending to Cooper’s Stream identified were: Chanterelle, Hedgehog Mushroom and large number of “Jellybabies.” In more open areas were: a large Orange Birch Bolete and the Parasitic Bolete which grows from old Common Earthballs, but is found only very sporadically.
Colourful finds were: Amethyst Deceiver, Fly Agaric, Yellow Stagshorn and Sulphur Knight. Beech Milkcap has intensely hot and acrid-tasting “milk.” Further discoveries were: Bulbous Honey Fungus, Blue-spot Knoght, Grey Knight, Panther Cap, Lilac Leg Fibrecap and faintly honey-smelling Sweet Poison pie.
The group of 14 enthusiastic forayers did a good job of finding an interesting and diverse range of fungi, numbering a total of 48 species.
Click for species list.