Mainly Dragonflies on Graffham Common (Sussex Wildlife Trust)
Leader: Jane Willmott (Reserve Manager)
Sussex Wildlife Trust took over the Common in 2010 and removed many rhododendron plants and pine trees to bring it back to open heathland. The large pond was probably used for shooting.
The Common is renowned for its spider population. Found were: a tiny, white-flowered sundew (previously not recorded here) and a bright-orange female of the uncommon Red-brown Longhorn Beetle. There were several grasshopper species, Bog Bush-Cricket, Common Cudweed, Common Eyebright, Sphagnum Moss, immigrant Silver Y Moth and the large hairy caterpillar of the Fox Moth. At the pond identified were: Large Red Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly, several Ruddy Darter and an Emperor Dragonfly flying fast over the water.