Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

AGM and Talk: Trials and Tribulations of Dormouse Conservation

Date: 24 April 2021
Indoor Meeting

Ian White, Dormouse and Training Officer, People’s Trust for Endangered Species
23 members logged on to Ian’s presentation on Zoom.
Ian manages the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme and has developed training courses for volunteers as a licence is needed to check this protected species (they are on the Biodiversity Action Plan list). Dormice are a key indicator of the quality of the environment, but being nocturnal and arboreal it is difficult to count the population and their range has shrunk to only southern counties in UK. However, comparing statistics for 1990 and 2018 there has been a huge increase in the number of sites being monitored, boxes and records.
They need a connected tree canopy with an understorey of early stages of woody vegetation with bramble; continuous, dense hedges; and, ideally, a mosaic of coppicing.
Dormouse bridges have been used over roads and on underpasses. In any reintroduction programme their health has to be determined, enthusiastic volunteers needed and a suitable release site found.

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