Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Spring Plants on Ebernoe Common (Sussex Wildlife Trust)

Date: 22 May 2021
Field Meeting

Leader: Frances Abraham (Sussex Botanical Recording Society member)
After 15 months with no Field Meeting due to Covid-19 restrictions, it was a great pleasure for 16 members to meet up again. Visitors are not permitted yet.
Ebernoe Common is a National Nature Reserve, owned and managed by Sussex Wildlife Trust,   It is a Low Weald woodland and is an example of old wood pasture with glades, all created when cattle and pigs one grazed and browsed on acorns and beech mast.
Along the main track found were: Wood Millet, Wood-sedge, Dog’s Mercury Wood Mellick, Black Bryony, Agrimony, Wood Sorrel and Butcher’s Broom, to name a few.  In a glade with acid soil were: Sharp-flowered Rush, Tormentil, Broad Buckler Fern, Dwarf Gorse, Crab Apple and Midland Hawthorn. In damp Willand Wood, once coppiced, were: Thin-spike Wood Sedge, Goldilocks, Sanicle and Pignut.
Members had enjoyed Frances’ anecdotes, both botanical and historical and had learnt to recognise plants new to them.

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