Winter birds at Pulborough Brooks Reserve (RSPB)
After flooding in October and January, areas of flood water were still frozen at the shallow edges and grassland was reappearing. Most of the ducks and waders were feeding a long way from the hides.
There were two exciting sights: White-tailed Eagles and Snipe. One of the Eagles was first located through a ’scope as a large blob perching in a distant tree. Late one flew high over treetops, disturbing other birds, followed by a second one; their wings so deep and long made a huge contrast to other birds. When one landed on open ground and the other flew low the white tail feathers were clear to see.
Close to one of the hides three Snipe probed with their long beaks. One walked across the ice from one small island to the next. Their striking plumage of creams and browns blended with the dead grass stems.
Two members, carefully keeping a list, recorded 38 species.