Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Swallows and martins

Date: 9 March 2024
Time: 14:15
Indoor Meeting

Paul Stevens (Ecologist with increasing specialisation in hirundines and swifts)

To a large audience of 60, Paul’s photos showed the physical difference between these species.
Barn Swallow: Besides barns will nest in out-houses with an open door.  Mud is collected and added to an existing nest or to build a new one. There can be 3 broods a year with 3 to 5 young.
House Martin: Mud is essential for nest repair or new building.  Paul has 60 artificial nest cups on his property and has recorded 90 young successfully fledged.
Sand Martin: Paul was responsible for installing a successful bank with tunnels at Arundel Wetland Centre.
Swift: They only land in order to breed, sleep on the wing, and collect nest material in mid-air.  For colony to form it is essential to establish the first nest.

Ways we can help these species:

Grow plants to encourage insects
Put up artificial boxes, the higher the better
Provide mud (in a large tray) in dry conditions
For more information go to:  housemartinconservation.com

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