Haslemere Natural History Society

Providing a focus for enthusiastic naturalists of all ages

Field Meeting

A morning with Moths

Date: 29 June 2024
Time: 9:00
Directions: GR: SU945333 GU8 4SW W3W: forgets.gratuity.taken
Leaders: Margaret Tomsett & Andy Swan (HNHS members) In a disappointing summer for weather, we would have been lucky to find a really good night for moths. Light traps were set up in a Killinghurst garden in the evening of a fair day, but during the night the sky cleared and the temperature dropped to […]

Fauna and flora on Chapel Common, near Liphook

Date: 15 June 2024
Time: 10:30
Directions: GR: SU826283 GU30 7JL W3W: bother.crashing.wand
Leader: Arthur Greenwood (Entomologist) It was not until late morning, in sunny conditions, that Small Heath and the hoped-for Silver-studded Blue butterflies were seen.  Arthur has recorded butterflies there since 2010 and noted that on June 25th 2023 he had counted 240 Silver-studded Blue.  This year recently it had been cold and wet so holding […]

Bird Song with Nightingales in Tugley Wood, Chiddingfold Forest (Forest England)

Date: 4 May 2024
Time: 8:30
Directions: GR: SU981330 GU8 4TE W3W: mooring.ballroom.procured
Leader: Paul Nevett (HNHS member) A fairly early start of 8.30am on a beautiful May morning, proved ideal for hearing not only 8 Nightingales but Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler and Blackcaps too.  Male Nightingales arrive in mid to late April and sing to establish a territory and to attract a female.

Early spring heathland birds on Lavington Common (National Trust)

Date: 20 April 2024
Time: 9:00
Directions: GR: SU949186 GU28 0QL South of Petworth on A285 at Heath End, take R turning signed Graffham. After 1 mile look for parking area on R.
Leader: Alan Perry (HNHS member and Emeritus President of Sussex Ornithological Society) 28 bird species were located by 13 members on this SSSI site (south of Petworth) of 95acres of dry and wet heath, acid grass and woodland. Three notable heathland species were seen: Woodlark frequently singing and tumbling in their display flight, Stonechat males […]

Fossils at Bracklesham Bay

Date: 6 April 2024
Time: 13:45
Directions: GR: SZ80499636 PO20 8JH From A286 at Birdham roundabout by petrol station, turn L onto B2198 for Bracklesham Bay (Bell Lane becomes Bracklesham Lane). Continue to end of road, turn left for car park (cash or card) and toilets. Meet at slipway by “Billy’s on the Beach” café on seafront, next to car park.
Leader: David Bone (Geologist and Chair: Sussex Geodiversity Partnership) The date and time of 13.45 were chosen as having good probability for finding fossils in the clay sediments during a receding falling tide. David, a local expert geologist, gave a short talk to 21 people describing the site and showed examples of what might be found […]

Signs of spring on a Shillinglee walk

Date: 23 March 2024
Time: 10:30
Directions: GR: SU965319 GU8 4SY On A283 (going southwards towards Northchapel), take L at crossroads (signed Plaistow). At Shillinglee with group of cottages on L, look for property “Barton” first on R. Parking by kind permission of owner.
Leader: Jon Taylor (HNHS member) Birds seen or heard included: Mistle Thrush, Chaffinch, Stock Dove, Skylark, Sparrowhawk, Chiffchaff, Buzzard, Red Kite, Pied Wagtail and Mandarin Duck.In flower were: Bitter Cress, Common Dog Violet, Dog’s Mercury, Barren Strawberry, Lesser Celandine and Moschatel. Blackthorn bushes were laden with blossom.Badger latrines were found and in muddy tracks Jon […]

Solar Boat, West Itchenor: Bird Watching (Chichester Harbour Conservancy)

Date: 17 February 2024
Time: 10:30
Directions: GR: SU800014 PO20 7AW Directions: On A286 towards the Witterings, pass petrol station at Birdham, then 2nd exit to West Wittering. After ¼ mile turn R for Itchenor. Park & Display on L just before Ship Inn (currently £4.50 for 4 hours)
Even before the 25 members went on board, seen was a Black-throated Diver, not often present in Chichester Harbour.John Arnott and his wife Philippa helped identify species and he gave a most interesting commentary on their feeding habits and history.Seen were: Little Grebe, Little Egret, Grey Plover, Shelduck, Redshank, Cormorant, Oystercatcher, Mute Swan, Heron, Teal, […]

Winter birds at Pulborough Brooks Reserve (RSPB)

Date: 20 January 2024
Time: 10:30
Directions: GR: TQ058164 RH20 2EL
After flooding in October and January, areas of flood water were still frozen at the shallow edges and grassland was reappearing.  Most of the ducks and waders were feeding a long way from the hides.There were two exciting sights: White-tailed Eagles and Snipe.  One of the Eagles was first located through a ’scope as a […]

Winter Birds at Frensham Great Pond (managed by Waverley B.C. owned by National Trust)

Date: 2 December 2023
Time: 10:30
Directions: GR: SU844405 GU10 2QB Take A287 to Frensham, turn L into Bacon Lane. Car Park on L at Visitor Centre. Bring N/T Membership card. Non-members Pay by phone. Further details on their website.
Leader: Jonnie Taylor (HNHS Member) Jonnie and 10 members were able to identify Robin, Wren, Blackbird, Dunnock and a small flock of Lesser Redpoll with a Goldcrest feeding on Alder catkins despite reduced visibility due to freezing fog.In the copse surrounding the Outlet Pond many Redwing were heard and then seen flying off in droves […]
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